Stained Glass Gallery
Here are some projects done by our students as well as our own custom work.
Garden Charm
Here is an example of what you make in our Garden Charm class. These were both made in the two hour class by students who had never worked with stained glass before.

Glass doesn't just have to be used in windows! Here is an example of a jewelry box made by one of our students.

Here are a few pictures of the cardinal panel that one of our students made as a project several years ago.

Panel Class
Think you can't do Stained Glass??
Here are pictures of projects done by some of our students that thought they couldn't do it either.
Congratulations everyone! I knew you could do it, and what a great job you did!! Click on each picture to see a bigger view of it.

Inspired to try it yourself? Go to our class page for the panel class and pick out a class to start.
Some of our projects
Here is a project that Lynda and Jon made a while ago. This is a custom order for a gift to their son. He just bought a house that used to have a Stained Glass panel built into a wall with lights behind it. The previous owners took the panel with them leaving a hole in the wall. He is in the Marines, so his parents wanted to give him a panel that would mean something to him. There are also some pictures of the real Marine Emblem that the design was based on.

And here are some pictures of the panel that we created for them. The panel is 25x25 inches square. Click on them to see a bigger picture.

Here is another panel we have been working on for our front window.

This project only actually took a few hours to do but because of interruptions, it has been almost a full year to get it into the window! When we do a custom window for you, it will be done on time. This one keep getting put on the "back burner" but has finally made it. It really shows how beautiful the mottled glass can be!
These pictures also demonstrate how hard it is to get good pictures of Stained Glass projects.
Every once in a while we turn out a big project. This mosaic table top took some time to do but was worth it in the end. It is four feet in diameter and made onto 3/4" plywood. The wood has all been covered with a wood sealer and also some grout sealer to keep out the moisture. It's a replacement for a glass top patio table that got broken a few years ago. It's kind of hard to see in the picture, but there is a hole in the middle for the umbrella to go through.

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